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Immediate and non-invasive nutritional assessments, without drawing a blood sample.

Rejo Check is a rapid test for minerals, vitamins, trace-elements, oxidative stress and heavy metals by means of spectrophotometry directly in the clinic. It allows you to benefit from a quick and painless assessment.

Discover the key minerals and vitamins that hold the secret to youthful, radiant skin. Enhance your skin’s elasticity and texture while combating signs of aging and fragility. Our comprehensive analysis with Rejo Check reveals the precise levels of essential nutrients, allowing you to tailor your skincare routine for optimal results. Experience the transformative power of targeted nutrition and rejuvenate your skin from within. Embrace the beauty of ageless skin with Rejo Check.

How does it work?

The Rejo Check is a reliable and scientifically proven device.

A series of tests and comparative studies have been carried out by researchers who have put forth the correlation between the results of the Rejo Check and the results of a laboratory. The results are based on our algorithms who are bades and physiological analysis approved by the scientific community.

The physiological data is entered
The dermis is scanned via spectrometry
The data is processed and analysed by the Oligoscan app
The data is sent to and saved on a secure server which enables a follow-up care
The results can be consulted on your computer

Rejo Check is based on assessments performed by a spectrophotometer. Spectrophotometry is a quantitative analytical method for determining the absorbent properties (absorption) of a given medium in the whole light spectrum.

Spectrophotometry is used in numerous areas: chemistry, pharamacy, environmental field, agro-food, biology, medical clinical, industrial, and others.

In the medical sector spectrophotometry is used for examining blood and tissues.

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