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How ozone therapy is administered?

There are several ways to administer ozone gas, but it shouldn’t be inhaled. This can cause severe irritation and fluid buildup in your lungs. Safer methods for delivering ozone therapy include:

Applying it to your skin by exposing a section of your body to ozone gas under a protective covering (also called ozone sauna) or by applying an ozone solution to your skin (often for wound healing).
Blowing gas into your body, typically through your ears, rectum or vagina.
Mixing it with your blood. Ozone gas can be dissolved in a sample of your blood and then reintroduced back into your body through an IV through a process called autohemotherapy.
Ingesting it by consuming small amounts of ozone gas dissolved in oil or water.
Injecting it into one of your muscles through a shot containing a mixture of oxygen and ozone.

Potential health benefits of ozone therapy..

There is an evidence that ozone therapy could offer health benefits. These include:

Immune system support because ozone therapy activates your immune system and boosts immunity.
Improved blood circulation, as more oxygen travels to your cells, tissues and organs.
Protection from invaders like bacteria, viruses and fungi by halting their growth and reducing their survival.
Reduced oxidative stress, which is an imbalance of cell-damaging free radicals and protective antioxidants that can lead to inflammation and chronic disease.
“Ozone therapy functions like an antioxidant or anti-inflammatory,” says Dr. Tejwani. “It could potentially be used for any type of inflammation, whether in a wound or related to conditions such as diabetes or arthritis.”

Research is ongoing to determine the safety and potential uses of ozone therapy. But it has been studied for conditions such as:

Breathing disorders, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Immune disorders such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Musculoskeletal disorders like disk herniation or carpal tunnel syndrome.

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